The Fuel Cell Nanomaterials Center, University of Yamanashi, was officially opened at a special cere
October 06, 2009
The opening ceremony of the Fuel Cell Nanomaterials Center was held on Tuesday, August 25, 2009, with about 170 people attending.
This new fuel cell center was designed to be a center for research aimed at promoting the practical use of fuel cells and is supported by NEDO and Yamanashi Prefecture.
After the organizers’ speeches, congratulatory speeches were made by guests.
Organizers’ speeches: | S. Maeda | (President, University of Yamanashi), |
S. Wasaka | (Executive Director,NEDO), | |
S. Yokouchi | (Governor, Yamanashi Prefecture), | |
Guests’ speeches: | K. Iida | (Director, Hydrogen and FC Promotion Office, METI), |
Y. Komatsu | (Deputy Director-General, Science and Technology Policy Bureau, MEXT), | |
S. Koike | (Executive Vice President, Panasonic), | |
U. Stimming | (Professor, Technical University of Munich), |
In addition to the organizers and guests listed above, H. Moriya (Yamanashi Prefectural Assembly Chairman), H. Watanabe (Senior Executive Officer ,Tokyo Gas), Z. Kazama (Electronic Industries Association of Yamanashi), T. Ashizawa (President, Yamanashi Chuo Bank) and M. Watanabe (Director, Fuel Cell Nanomaterials Center, University of Yamanashi) cut the ribbon.
After the opening ceremony, a cerebration party was held at the Bell-Classic Kofu.